Sunday, March 6, 2011


Elemechs was at one time a facebook game that was in alpha phase that could be located here.  However, it doesn't seem to be loading for anyone anymore, so it's safe to assume it probably won't be again.  The top 3 pieces are conceptual work done for the project, while the bottom 2 are asset sheets for it.  animation is not included because it was done using flash animation tweens.

The weapon sheet shows both the equipment for the Elemechs to use as well as the original final Elemech sprite done by our "lead artist" for which I was to base all equipment and the rest of the mech sprites off of.


Both of these asset sheets were for a game submit to Indiecade that a client asked me to completely overhaul the original art for.  The game is a statement on the convenience (or lack thereof) of helping others. The game can be downloaded here.   A video of the original game before I touched it can be found here.


This is the asset sheet for a game done for Global Game Jame 2010.  The theme was deception, so we decided to go with the concept of creating illusions to entice or scare opponents away, as one makes their way to the artifact.  The game can be played here.