Friday, October 21, 2011

Updates, as well as new site on the way.

So, this blog seems to be getting a bit crowded, so I'm looking into getting a real site :-P

I've recently just completed a game for Matt Cox (Lead Designer of Scribblenauts)  He was an awesome guy to work with, and the game is pretty funny as well.  I have a lot of faith in it.  It's super-simple, fun, and they're giving a portion of profits to charity.  It was definitely a project I felt honored to work on. Feel free to check it out at!

Patchwork Battles is now a real game. Lol.  We're being published by an awesome new publishing company led by two guys with some pretty phenomenal experience.  You can check out brand new screen shots and stuff at

Sadly though, sometimes stuff in life happens and we have to take a step back, or pause for a bit.  A game I've been working on for a few months just went under hiatus status until further notice.  Hopefully it'll start back up, but until then, I've been allowed to post what's already been done.  I hope you all enjoy it.