So I've decided it's been a little while since I've taken some time to post new things that I've been working on, so I figured I'd go ahead and show you all some of the stuff that I'm currently working on.
First off, be ready to check out - I'm assisting with asset and conceptual art for a small studio out in the bay area named Misfit's Attic- they're a cool crew, and I think the game's really got some potential, so go show some support! Unfortunately, I cannot post anything I've done yet under NDA. Perhaps when some more video and screens come out of the new version after the 15th, I'll be able to post some stuff and explain more on how I was involved.
So, I can't really go too much into this project, either, as my client doesn't even want the name of what game it's for out yet. I wish I could show the main character off, but that one is still under wraps until they release information about it in the coming weeks. That being said, said employer was very gracious to allow me to post some of the assets in progress :) All I can say is it's all in pixel art (obviously), it's a rather ambitious mobile project, and it should be a pretty fun game :) More to come.
This was for a relatively small project from a client for a mobile game using GameSalad. It's pretty much making the penguin swim to eat things. It was kinda cute, and I actually liked how the assets turned out, so I'm posting them.
I've gone through a pretty significant amount of projects since my last post. I hope to have videos to the completed projects, as well as links to how to get a hold of the games soon. |
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